Grief Services for Businesses
An Extra Measure of Caring:
As a facility, I’m sure that comfort and care are synonymous. Hiring my Grief Coaching services would enable your business to provide much needed support and add value for your customers. Not only does it add value, but in a competitive market place that is price sensitive, this could be an extreme differentiator between you and your competition. These additional services could make a big impact especially when a family lives out of state and feels insecure or anxious about leaving their family member alone.
Grief is a process we all must endure at some point in our life. Yet, it is something we are all typically ill prepared for. Whether it’s because we are all so different, or we have poor knowledge on how to deal with grief, there is a skill set and tools that can help. Sometimes people only validate the significance of grief depending on the preceding event. However, learning to navigate through our many transitions of life can be even more advantageous to our entire wellbeing. Whether your guests have moved in due to a traumatic event or even if it was by their own choice, it is my goal to assist them by easing their transition and allowing them to deal with their emotions in a healthy, safe atmosphere.
20 hours/per week
Includes a Strategy Session, Support Group, and Talk & Visit Checkups.
30 hours/per week
Includes a Strategy Session, 2 Support Groups, and Talk & Visit Checkups.
40 hours/per week
Includes a Strategy Session, 2 Support Groups, Talk & Visit Checkups, and Employee Support/Training.
Customized hours/per week
(based on size of facility)
Includes a Strategy Session, 2 Support Groups, Talk & Visit Checkups, Employee Support/Training and On-Call Services.
The Packages Include:
This is approximately one hour a week where we investigate the tools and strategies needed for working through grief. Grief comes in many different shapes and sizes, and for a variety of reasons. Sometimes relocation is a sweet sorrow. Even though they are happy, they have to understand how to effectively deal with the chapter in their life that has ended. These sessions are designed to give your guests the tools they need in order to move forward effectively, and most importantly - with joy.
Breakfast or Lunch Presentation and Strategy Session
Weekly Support Group Meetings
Weekly Talk & Visit
This group will meet on a weekly, ongoing basis, for anyone, family members included. These support groups allow people to address their specific needs and to communicate them. Talking about their experience or set backs is an extremely important step to their recovery. The group session also helps provide additional support from their new community of peers which will ultimately create a comfortable and familiar environment.
The weekly talk and visit sessions with individuals At Great Lakes, is all about “checking up”. The hardest part to a transition in life can be finding a new normal. In order to find a new normal they need to make new connections and it helps to make sure they are on the right track and not secluding themselves. Visiting with guest will provide that much needed contact, assessment as well as consistency they need in order to establish a new foundation.
Employee Support & Training
Let’s face it, this type of work is a labor of love. You have to care, and it’s the caring that can also make this job difficult. It is not uncommon for these types of businesses to experience employee “burn out” and a high turnover rate. By supporting the employees we can give them the tools they need so they can continue to use their talents and to love the work they have chosen.