Take The Grief Quiz
1. Are you avoiding going out with friends, especially those that know what has happened to you?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) ______
2. Are you restless at night and then find it difficult to get out and stay out of bed during the day?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) ____
3. Are you crying sometimes uncontrollably?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) ______
Frequently (5 points) _____
4. Are you hiding your feelings from those that care about you because you think they don’t really want to see or understand what your going through?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) ____
5 Are you angry, mad, confused and lonely… all at the same time?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) _____
6. Are you working a lot more than usual, trying to keep busy?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) _____
7. Do you feel lost, like you don’t have a plan, unable to set goals for your future?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) _____
8. Do you take time to do something for yourself, something you enjoy?
As often as possible (1 point) _____
Every so often (3 points) _____
Not at all (5 points) _____
9. Can you talk about or reflect back on memories of your loved one that passed?
Often (1 point) ____
Every so often (3 points) _____
It makes me miserable (5 points) _____
10. Do you feel like you’re not living for you?
Not Really (1 point) _____
Sometimes (3 points) _____
Frequently (5 points) _____
Take time to total your score. Review your answers and ponder on how YOUR Grief is affecting your life today!
Scoring Minimum 10 Maximum 50
Score 10 - 16 On My Way! Congratulations. You are successfully navigating through your experience with Grief. Keep going and always be true to yourself. Remember, grief is a journey, not a destination.
Score 17-30 The Winding Road. You are definitely on the path, but sometimes our roads take turns we don’t expect. Although you have begun your journey you might need a little extra help. Don’t be surprised. Most of us do. We all deal with Grief at some point in our lives and yet it is one topic that is discussed the least. Usually we have no additional training or education on how to get through grief and most of the time our examples are lacking as well. The good news is there are specific strategies and methods proven to help people through the Journey in a safe and effective way.
Score 31 - 50 Stuck at the Start. You, my friend are stuck. Your first step to recovery is to decide if you are willing to work for it. That’s right. I wish I could tell you I waive a wand and make you feel better. I can tell you that if you are willing to do the work, I will teach you the tools that you can help you find your own path through this Journey. Your Journey Back to Joy. It is there, waiting for you. You may not believe it right now. I will believe it enough for both of us, until you can make that turn for yourself. I’m not just saying this from “book” knowledge, I am saying this from experience.
Now What?
Now is it the time for YOU to move forward in this life, never forget the memories of your loved one? Yes____________ No__________
I am ready to work through these emotions to begin to heal? Yes_______ No_______
Through the tears I will see JOY? Yes_________ No__________
Time to call JoAnn, take the first step to guide me on my Grief Journey? Yes____ NO__